Basic Knowledge

What is the Homebase?

Home Base The Home Base is automatically determined by WayAndSee. The address most visited in the last 60 days will automatically become the Home Base. Mostly, this is the home location. This calculation takes place at each newly received address. So if you move your living place, after a certain time, the home base will move also. The address of the Home Base is just to optimize some displayed information, e.


---- -- Way And See Way around and uncover the map … in real life, not in a game! Collect SeeScore Points for visited areas, places and more. Harmless fun which will open your eyes for the world around you. WayAndSee is designed for “Lazy Use” (just let it run in the background) and answers the usual questions: WHERE have I been? WHEN was it? HOW did I get there?

First Steps

---- -- First steps Thank you for your interest in WayAndSee. WayAndSee has been developed with the principle “the easiest possible use”. All you have to do is choose the accuracy you prefer and whether WayAndSee should start and stop in the background. The rest happens automatically. Main map The Main map is the entry and will be displayed when WayAndSee starts. It is a standard IOS map that responds to the usual gestures in the usual way.